General presentation
The hearing and speech perception training program will help the education
of hearing impaired children by didactically well-constructed and playful
excercises using specially constructed databases. Poor hearing abilities
are stimulated by different environmental sounds and special speech examples.
In this way we develop the ability of the perception and distinction of
different sounds and moreover we train the speech understanding and combination
skills of children.
The program helps the rehabilitation of children with cochlear implant,
The program is available through the Internet for everybody free of charge.
The development of the hearing and speech perception training program
was financed by the Ministry of Informatics and Communication and the
Ministry of Education of Hungary in the ITEM research and development
program (project identifier: IHM-K+F ITEM/39).
Project Manager:
Vicsi Klára, PhD.,
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Department of Telecommunications and Media Informatics,
Laboratory of Speech Acoustics,
1111 Budapest,
Sztoczek str. 2.
tel.: (+36-1) 463-1940, (+36-1) 463-1886
fax: (+36-1) 372-0403
Researchers from other institutes:
Keresztessy Éva,
ELTE Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education
Váry Ágnes,
Dr. Török Béla Óvoda, Általános Iskola és Diákotthon
Flash programming: Tallér József and Teleki Csaba
Grafics: Nemes Zoltán
Web programming: Teleki Csaba |